It is a difficult question for me.
In fact, I sell art, but I don't make enough money to make living out of it.
I have other occupation that I right down on official paper works.
So, I answered "No."
Then he asked me that I am doing art as a hobby.
It is also a difficult question for me.
If things called hobby is that something to do beside things to make living, my answer has to be yes.
So, I answered "Yes."
Then he asked me if I go to a company to work.
I have to jobs besides art.
I go place call company to work.
So, I answered "Yes."
Some reason, I don't have freedom of choosing occupation!
It is a long story, so I won't write that.
I don't know why he asked me that, and those questions were only words he spoke to me.
In my opinion, art is a life time thing.
Artists put hears and souls in our work!
We sacrifice so many things for art!
Van Gogh didn't sell his art when he was alive.
Was art hobby for Van Gogh.
Was Van Gogh amateur or Pro?
I am tired of this kind of questions!
However, being an artist, sometimes I have to hear so many bad things about my art work.
I know how to not care about what people say.